- To Mr Hughes of Aberllolwyn for killing a fox 5s
- For makeing a New bridge over the river Wyre fach as by the parish agreed
15 January 1750. That an appeal be commenced and prosecuted at the next quarter sessions against the Churchwardens overseers and the Inhabitants of Llanygrowddon for the unjust removall of Margaret Evan spinster to this parish, at the Expence of the inhabitants of this parish, and that also the Inhabitants of this parish Doe stand to and abide by any referrence or agreement that shall be ordered by Erasmus Saunders Esquire and Owen Morice with the Inhabitants of the said parish of Llanygrowddon towards the Settlement of the said Margaret.
5 February 1750. It is agreed that the Churchwardens and overseers of the poor and other the Inhabitants of the said parish Doe authorize and [-] James Lloyd Gent attorney at Law to bring a Certiorari from his Majesties Court of Kings Bench to remove two orders illegally made by his Majesties Justices assigned to keep the peace for the County of Cardigan for removing and Settling Margaret Evan a pauper upon this parish…
Full Book Details:
Llanrhystyd Parish Vestry Book 1 – 1738-70
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