SD/1653/32 DAVID AP EVAN LEWIS, Llanrhystud
In the name of God Amen the xixt day of June in the yeare of our lord God 1653 I David ap Evan Lewis of the p[ar]ish of Llanrhistid in the County of Cardigan gen[erosus] being sicke in body but of good and p[er]fecte mind and remembrance laude and praise be given to the Allmighty God, doe make and ordaine my Testament in writting Containeing therein my last Will in manner and forme following (that is to saye) first and principally I Com[m]end my soule to the Allmighty God, my Creator, redemmer and saviour, and my body to be buried in Christian buriall in the p[ar]ish Church of Llanrhistid aforesaid, hopeing to have the resurrection againe with the rest of the Electe at the gener]all day of Judgement.
Item I give and bequeath towards the rep[ar]ac[i]on of the Cathedrall Church of St Davids vjd.
Item I doe devise give and bequeath unto Jenkin David my Eldest sonne all those foure Messuages or Tenem[en]ts of land with their sev[er]all and respective app[ur]tenances with all houses, edifices, buildings, lands arrable, meadowes, leasowes, pastures, woods, [—ges], waters, p [ro]fitts Comodities, Easments, and app[ur]tenances whatsoev[er] belonging or in any wise app[ur]taineing whereof the one is scituate lyeing and being in Blaen Pennall in the p[ar]ish of Llanthewy brevy in the County of Cardigan there Comonly Called and knowen by the name of Tythin y Triall in the tenure and occupac[i]on of Lewis Morgan, and the other are scituat lyeing and being in the p[ar]ish of Llanrhistid in the said County Comonly Called Tythin y Drainllwin Clyde, and the other ar scituat lyeing and being in the p[ar]ish of Llanygroothon there Comonly Called and knowen by the severall names of Tythin y Bryn Rhossogg and Knwck y vran, now in the tenure and occupac[i]on of Morgan William and Jenkin David To have and to hould all the said severall Messuages or Tenements and Lands Called Tythin y Triall, Tythin y drainllwin Clyde and Tythin y Bryn Rhossogg, and Knwck y vran with their se[er]all and respective app[ur]tenances unto the said Jenkin David his heires and Assigned to the onely —— use and behoofe of him the s[ai]d Jenkin David his heires and assigned forever.
Item I doe devise give and bequeath unto Edward David my sonne, All that one Messuage or Tenement and lands with all and singular houses, barnes stables buildings gardenes, meadowes, leasowes, pastures, feedings easments and app[ur]tenances whatsoev[er] unto the s[ai]d Messuadge or Tenement of lands belonging or in any wise app[ur]taineing scituat lyeing and being in the p[ar]ish of Lanrhystid in the County of Cardigan there Comonly Called and knowen by the name of Tythin Penrhos ycha in as Lardge and ample mann[er] as the same now is in my owne occupac[i]on To have and to hold all the singular the s[ai]d Messuage or Tenement and Lands with the app[ur]tenances unto the said Edward David his heires and assigned to the only — use and behoofe of the s[ai]d Edward David his heires and assignes forever.
Item I doe devise give and bequeath unto Thomas David my other sonne all those two sev[er]all Messuages or Tenements and lands withall houses edifices buildings barns stables, gardeines lands meadowes leasowes pastures feedings woods underwoods— waters p[ro]fitts Comodities Easiments and app[ur]tenances whatsoev[er] unto the s[ai]d Messuages or Tenements and lands belonging or in any wise app[ur]taineing scituat lyeing and being in the said p[ar]ish of Llanrhistid in the County of Cardigan there Comonly Called and knowen by their se[er]all names of Tythin Nant y Cappell and Tythin y Cwm bach To have and to hould all and singular the said sev[er]all Messuage or Tenements and lands with their sev[er]all and respective app[ur]tenances unto the s[ai]d Thomas David his heires and assigned to the only — use and behoofe of him the said Thomas David his heires and assigned forev[er].
Item I doe give and bequeath unto Elissa David my other son[ne] the sum[m]e of six and twenty pounds of lawfiill money of England, which s[ai]d sum[m]e are due unto me upon Jenkin Morgan my father in law to be paid unto the said Elissa david at May next after my dicease.
Item I doe give and bequeath unto Morgan David my other sonne the sum[m] of forty pounds of lawlull money of England to be paid unto him by my Executor hereafter named at May next after the end of one whole yeare after my decease, Provided allwayes and my will is that if my Executor doe make default of payment or satisfacc[i]on of the s[ai]d sum[m]e of forty pounds at the time afores[ai]d unto the s[ai]d Morgan david That he the said Morgan David shall enter into the said Messuage or Tenement of lands with the app[ur]tenances Called Tythin y Brin Rhossog and the same to possesse and enioy untill he the s[ai]d Morgan be satisfied and payed of the s[ai]d sum[m] of forty pound
Item I doe give and bequeath unto Margarett David my daughter the sum[m]e of ten pounds of lawlull Money of England to be paid unto her by my executor hereafter named at May next after the end of two whole yeares after my deceasse
Item I doe give and bequeath unto Elizabeth David my other daughter the sum[m]e of ten pounds of lawlull money of England to be paid unto her by my Executor hereafter named at May next after my deceasse Provided allwayes and my Will is that my said Executor shall enter into, possesse and enioy the s[ai]d Messuage or Tenement and lands with thapp[ur]tenances Called Tythin Pen rhos ycha, untill he my executor be satisfied and payed of Edward David of the sum[m] of five pounds of Lawfiill money of England towards payment of the sum[m] of five pounds being the moytie or one halfe of the said ten pounds form[er]ly given and bequeathed unto the said Elizabeth.
Item I doe give and bequeath unto David Evan my grandchild one yeareling heyffer at May next after my decease
Item I doe give and bequeath unto Gwenllian Evan my other granchild one heyfer of one yeare old at May next after my decease
Item I doe give and bequeath unto Elizabeth David my daughter one Mare of two yeare old sithence May last
Item I doe give and bequeath unto Gwenllian my wedded wife one Nagg or gelding Collored red over and beside her third, and one Cow which I lately bought of one Oliver Evan
Item I doe give and bequeath unto Gwenllian my wedded wife all the Come in barne in haggard, and in ground, towards the maintenance of all my Children untill May next, and towards the soweing and manureing of the lands which is in my occupac[i]on and my will is that the said Gwenllian shall pay or Cause to be paid unto my Executor the quantity of three Teales of Corne towards his mainten[a]nce and the mainten[a]nce of two others of my Children from May next untill Michaelmas after my decease if my Children shall departe from the said Gwenlllian at May next, and at Michaelmas my will is that all the Come sowed and harvested the next spring and harvest then following shalbe devided into two equall p[ar]tes betweene my said wife, and my executor.
Item I doe give and bequeath unto my Executor and to the said Gwenllian my wife all the housholdstuffe and ymplements of houshold to be equally devided betweene them, one brasen pan which I give unto my Executor onely excepted.
All the rest of my goodes Catles, Chattells, lands and Tenements not above bequeathed I doe give and bequeath unto Jenkin David my eldest sonne whome I doe ordaine nominate and appointe to be sole Executor of this my Last Will to levy my debts, to pay my debts, to deliver my legacies, and to dischardge my tun[er]all expenses.
I doe nominate and appointe David Jenkin and Hugh ap Evan to be tutors and ov[er]seers on my said Children dureing their minority.
In Wittnes whereof I doe put my hand and seale./
Wittnesses present at the makeing and publishing of this Will
Thomas Morgan, Jenkin Morgan, Thomas Prichard
1 die Septembris 1653
Probatu[r] ——- Testm—- p[er] Executorem in[m]inat[r] M[agist]ro Edwardo Vaughan CI[er]ico arti[um] m~gist]ro
11 febr. 1653
The original Will of the within named deceadent was deliv[er]ed unto David Jenkins tutor testamentary etc to the use of the yonger Children of the said deceadent to be restored to the Registry whensoev[er] he shalbe Called soe to doe
Know all men by these p[re]sentes that we Jenkin David of the p[ar]ish of Llanrhistid in the p[ar]ish of Llanbadarnvawr in the County of Cardigan gent Morris ap Evan Gwin of the p[ar]ish of Llanylar in the s[ai]d County gent and David Jenkin of the p[ar]ish of Llanbadarnvawr in the s[ai]d County gent are tied and firely bound unto the Keep[er]s of the Lyberties of England in two hundred pounds of good and Lawfull money of England, to be p[ai]d to the s[ai]d keep[er]s their successors or Assignes, To the which payment well and truely to be made we bind our sealves and each of us by himselfe sev[er]ally for and in the whole our heires Executors and Ad[ministra]tors firmely by these p[re]sentes sealed with our seales dated the first day of September in the yeare of our Lord 1653.
The Condic[i]on of the above written obligac[i]on is such that if the above bounded Jenkin David Executor of the Last Will and Testament of David ap Evan Lewis late of the p[ar]ish of Llanrhistid in the County of Cardigan gent deceased, doe and shall well and will administer all and singular the goodes Chattells and debts of the s[ai]d Testator by payeing his debts and legacies as farfoorth as his goodes Chattells and Creditts will thereunto extend and the law Chardge him And alsoe shall make and exhibit a true and Inventory and Accompte thereof whensoev[er] he shalbe thereunto lawfully Called And lastly shall save defend and keepe harmeles the keep[er]s of the lyberty of England their officers and ministers from being any way damnpnified for granting him authority as afores[ai]d that then this p[rese]nte oblicac[i]on to be boyed or else to stand in force
Sealed and deliv[er]ed
in the p[resen]ce of
Jenkin David
the m[a]rke of Morris Evan Gwin
David Jenkin
Know all men by these p[re]sentes that we David Jenkins Lof the parish crossed out] of Llanbadarn y Croyddin within the p[ar]ish of Llanbadarnvawr in the County of Cardigan gent Thomas Prichard of the p[ar]ish of Llanygroothon in the s[ai]d County gent and Edward ap Evan of the p[ar]ish of Llanrhistid in the s[ai]d County gent are tied and firely bound unto the Keep[er]s of the Lyberties of England by authority of Parliament in one Thousand pounds of good and Lawlull money of England, to be paid to the s[ai]d keep[er]s their successors or Assignes, To the which payment well and truely to be made we bind our sealves and each of us by himselfe sev[er]ally for and in the whole our heires executors and Ad—- firmely by these p[re]sentes sealed with our seales dated the eleaventh day of february in the yeare of our Lord (according to the English accompte) one thousand six hundred fifty three
The Condic[i]on of the above written obligac[i]on is such that whereas the Register for p[ro]bats of wills and granting of Ad[ministraci]ons within the Archdeaconry of Cardigan (upon the request. and entreaty of the above bounded David Jenkin Tutor Testamentary of and upon Thomas David, Edward David, Morgan David, Elissa David, Margarett David and Elizabeth David the yonger children of David ap Evan Lewis late of the p[ar]ish of Llanrhistid aforesaid deceased have deliv[er]ed the Originall last will of the s[ai]d deceadent unto the s[ai]d David Jenkins If therefore the s[ai]d last Will of the s[ai]d deceadent be restored unto the Registry of the said Archdeaconry for — of Will, and exhibit and p[ro]duce the same in any Court of Justice whensoev[er] it wilbe required and Called for and alsoe shall save defend and keepe harmeles the said Reg[iste]r for deliv[er]ing and any wise Concerning the s[ai]d last Will That then this p[rese]nte obligac[i]on to be voyed or else to stand in force
Sealed and deliv[er]ed in
the p[resen]ce
of Witnesses:
David Jenkins
Thomas Prichard
The m[ar]ke $ of Edward ap Evan
A true and p[er]fect Inventarie of all the goods Cattles Chattles and houshould stuffe and ymplem[en]ts of houshould both moveable and unmoveable of David ap Evan Lewis of the p[ar]ishe of Llanrhystid in the Countie of Cardigan late deceassed pr[i]ced as ffolloweth
£ s d | |
Imp[ri]mis foure Oxen p[ri]ced | 5 – 10 – 0 |
Item fouerteene great kine | 14 – 0 – 0 |
Item Eleven young beasts being bullocks & heiffers | 8 – 0 – 0 |
Item Eleaven horses & mares | 7 – 0 – 0 |
Item Tenne Coultes | 0 – 15 – 0 |
Item Twelve goates | 1 – 4 – 0 |
Item sixtie sheepes | 9 – 0 – 0 |
Item Thirteene lambes | 1 – 0 – 0 |
Item Hou should stuffe & ymplem[ents] of houshould | 4 – 0 – 0 |
Item Come in barne haggard & in ground | 20 – 0 – 0 |
Su[mme] tot | £70 – 9 – 0 |
Richard Thomas
Thomas Morgan
1. 7bris 1653
Witnesses p[ro]duced admitted and sworne on the p[ar]te and behalfe of David Jenkin one of the Tutors Testamentarie of and upon Thomas David, Edward David, Elizabeth David, Elissa David, Morgan David and Margarett David, the Children of David Ievan Lewis late of the p[ar]ish of Llanrhistid in the County of Cardigan deceased upon the will of the said deceased etc
Thomas Prichard othe p[ar]ish of Llanygroothon gent aged 55 or thereabouts a witness upon the s[ai]d will p[ro]duced admitted and sworne
Touching the s[ai]d Will of the s[ai]d David levan Lewis deceased exhibited this deponent sayeth that upon the sixt day of June 1653 the Testator David Ievan Lewis being sickly but of good and p[er]fecte memory did give direc[i]ons to this deponent to put his will in writing, whoe thereupon did write the s[ai]d will according to the s[ai]d direc[i]ons and afterwards did read ov[er] to the s[ai]d Testator in the Welsh tongue, and he likeing very well of it did put his m[ar]ke and seale thereunto and did publishe and deliv[er] it for his last will in the p[rese]nce of this deponent Junkin Morgan, Thomas Morgan Rees, and others and further this deponent Can[n]ott—- saveing that the will exhibited being seene and p[er]used by this deponent at this his exaiac[i]on he sayeth that it is the same will which was soe sealed and deliv[er]ed without any altereac[i]on
Edward Vaughan Thomas Prichard
Jenkin Morgan of the p[ar]ish of Llanbadarnvawr gent aged 65… [he is apparently able to read the will but signs by mark]