SD/1614/55 HUGH AP IEUAN AP MORRIS, Llanrhystud
20.6.1614 Bur. StDs4d
To d. Marrie vch Hugh £20 due upon my father Ieuan ap Moris David Vichan which he affirmed and promised to pay unto me … uppon demaund after my maridge and for better assuringe and payment of the Said somme of £20 … he graunted me the on half of one lease called Havod Wnnoge… [also] 24 sheep with lambs in the [care] of my father
Rest to Mary, sole executrix.
Tutor during her minority: my father in law Morris ap Rees Goch
Witnesses Rosser ap Rees Goch, Griffith Thomas, Robert ?ap William and William Morris clerk
PROBATE: 1.2.1614/15 Thomas Lloyd to executrix and guardian
BOND: Morris ap Rees Goch, yeoman (mark), William Morris clerk both of Llanrhystud (signed)
INVENTORY: the half of one lease called havod wnnog in… graunt by Ieuan ap Morris his father for his marriage goods £20
24 sheep £4
One cow 20s
one heifer 2yrs 13s4d One mare and colt 13s4d
SUM £27.6.8