SD/1646/79 THOMAS JENKIN LEWIS, Llanrhystud

Worth copying

In the name of God Amen. The 23th day of September in the yeare of our lord God 1646 I Thomas Jenkin Lewis of the parish of Llanristyt in the County of Cardigan being sicke in body but of good and perfect memory, Laud and prayse be to the Almighty god, doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in writing in manner and forme following first and principally I commend my soule to the Almighty god my maker and redemmer, and my body to be buried in Christian buriall within the parish Church of Llanristyt aforesayd.

Item I doe give and bequeath to Mary Thomas my imputative daughter an heyfer of three yeares old, and an heyfer of an yeare old, and fowre sheepe

Item I doe devise, give and bequeath to my Grandchild Elizabeth vch James one Cottage, called and knowne by the name of Lluast Wen with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging to have and to hold for her and her heyres for ever. Provided allwayes that my will is that shee in lieu and consideration thereof pay the summe of three pound (viz) twenty shillings to Mary vch James, twenty shilling to Harry James, and twenty shillings to Gwenllian vch James at the end of one yeare after my decease.

Item I doe give and bequeath to the sayd Elizabeth vch James two kine, one yearling and a calfe, being in the custody of David Lewis.

Item I doe give and bequeath to my sonne James Thomas two steeres of two yeares old and one wild Cow blacke with a white tayle.

Item I do give and bequeath to my Grandchild Edward James three kine and a Colt

Item I doe give and bequeath to Elizabeth vch Evan my wedded wife five kind three heyfers of an yeare old, three wild kine and an yearling heyfer

Item I doe give and bequeath to my Grandchild Thomas James fowre sheepe
Item I doe give and bequeath to the aforesaid Elizabeth vch Evan my wedded wife two mares and a nagge, five swine, three colts, five and twenty shillings due upon Evan Thomas Jenkin payable at St James day next, all the come and graine within my haggard towards the maintenance of herselfe and Edward James and Elizabeth vch James, if they continue with her, or else all the sayd Come and graine to her alone. Item I doe give and bequeath to the aforesayd Elizabeth vch Evan my wedded wife foure and twenty sheepe.

Item I do give and bequeath to the aforesaid Elizabeth vch Evan my wedded wife, all the goodes, cattles of my person all substance heerin not before bequeathed, whom I constitute ordaine and appoint to be my executrix of this my last will and Testament, as well to leavye my debts and to pay, as alsoe to dischardge my funerall expences and all legacyes heerein by me bequeathed. In witnes I have heereunto put my marke and seal in the day and yeare abovewritten, the persons undernamed being witnesses present at the publishing of this my last will and Testament

Mark & seal.

[Witnesses} Evan Thomas Jenkin, Jenkin ap Evan Thomas, John Rees, John Lewis, David Lewis, Evan Morris Thomas, David Lloyd cler.

Probetur Guil. Nicholson.
PROBATE: 24 November 1646 to executrix.
BOND to widow, David Lloyd Clerk of Llanrhystud and John Lewis of ditto, yeoman. No signature for David Lloyd, others marked.

2 heifers £1
an heifer of3 yr old 20s
an heyfer of an year old 5s
four sheep 4s
2 kine a yearling and a calf £2.13.4
2 steeres and a wild cow £2
3 kine and a colt £3.6.8
5 kine £5
3 heyfers of one year old 15s
3 wild kine and an yearling heyfer but seeing one was stollon we shal prise the that are left and the heyfer £2.6.8
foure sheepe 4s
2 mares 1.6.8
one nagge lOs
five swine 5s
3 colts lOs
2 sheepe 2s
24 sheep £1.4.O
All the Come and all the houshold stuff and all that he hath we price them £2

24 shillings due to the Testatour without specialty

Prisers Jenkin ap Evan, Evan Thomas [Total] £22.19.4]

INTERROGATION: Two documents of enquiry. One all Latin, from Thomas Aubrey

The other [also Latin] witnesses on behalf of Elizabeth verch Evan widow…

David Lloyd clerk, vicar of Llanrhystud [age left blank] affirms that he wrote the will John Lewis of Llanrhystud yeoman of 30. Apparently he knew English.