• 1751 Paid:
  • To Mary Powell £2
  • To Magdalen William £2
  • To Mary the Scotch Woman £1 .11.0
  • To Margaret Evan £1.11.0

5.7.1750 Orderd that the accounts of Edward Evans and David Lewis Church Wardens for the year 1748 be past and allowd of Excepting the Sume of tenn Shillings the which is to be Struck out that is to say the sume of Nine shillings for ale and one shilling for Swearing the said Wardens.

31.8.1761 That Evan Jenkin being unanimously elected, by the Curate, Church Wardens and all the Parishioners (then present) to serve the Office of Petty Constable for Llanrhystud Hamminiog for the aforesaid Year, by Reason that last May’s Leet Court’ was not regularly kept. 28.7.1762 that the Sum of Twenty pounds should be rais’d on the Inhabitants of the said parish by the Overseers of the poor… by an equal pound rate to be by them aply’d Towards of raising three Volanteers to Serve in the Militia for the said parish in the county of Cardigan According to the Act of parliament in that Case made and provided.

15.8.1764 That one pound and fifteen shillings be allowed towards the Maintenance of Mary Evan for one whole Year from the date above written. This agreement was made with William Lewis her Son in Law of the Parish of Llanilar who does promise and Engage at this Vestry to discharge the Parish from any trouble or Expence

26.9.1764 Agreed… that the sum of three pounds per Annum and three shillings towards furthering David Evans pauper to Ludlow and sixteen shillings for Carriage of the Pauper and his Wife to Ludlow aforesaid.

19.2.1766 Agreed then… with Rees Edward and partner for Whitewashing the Church, and plaistering and patching where necessary at the rate of fifteen shillings the said work to be finished before the End of April next.

Yn ystod y 1 760au roedd y taliadau i’r tlodion yn cynyddu rywfaint, ac felly hefyd y dreth yr oedd yn rhaid ei thalu.

5.7.1768 that a Rate of six-pence in the Pound be assess1d on the Inhabitants of Hamminiog, and seven pence halfpenny on the Inhabitants of Mevenydd parcel as Bridge Rate for the current Year. Ordered likewise that no part of the present or any ftlture Bridge-Rate be assess’d on the Tythe of this Parish.

12.10.1769 Agreed the bridge Commonly Calld henbont be Removed Lower Down in a more Convenient place and that our Vicar and Griffith Davies and Morgan William or any two of them ?find proper workmen and Matterials for Removing and Repairing the same.

23.6.1769 Whereas David Evan, son of Evan David of Llanstffread, lies now ill at Llanpumsaint in Carmarthenshire, and stands in need of immediate Relief,- We the Minister, Overseers of the Poor and principal Inhabitants, do hereby.. allow the sum of one Pound eleven shilling and six pence to be remitted to the said David Evan in order to defray in part the Expences already incurr’d by his said illness, the Inhabitants of Llanstffread having paid lately the like sum and we further promise and engage to be at a joint expence with the said Inhabitants of Llanstfread towards the recovery of the said David Evan.

[ai dadalen ar ei ben ei hun) Wele gadarn Sylfan Sion Dry graig dragywyddol gref pan falurio r Brynniay mawryon Saif preswylfa Brenin Nef Wele ddawnus furiau r ddinas.

23.7.1773 Agreed then with Evan John Evan for the maintenance and cloathing of his Daughter for two years at the rate of two pounds in the year. [Eto 26.5.1775] Agreed to allow Catherine John three Pounds in the year from the 12th of May last towards the Support of her two helpless children. Orderd then also five shilling in addition to her last year’s rate.

21.6.1774 Whereas then three hundred pounds charged of County Stock to be Rised and there was eight pounds twelve shillings falling Dew upon this two parcels; and also at the same time in a Vestry ordered that 6d in the pound of Relief towards the poor of this parish.

26.5.1775; taliadau i.

  • Evan John Evan £3 dros ddwy flynedd
  • Rees David Rees £2.1 0.0
  • Elizabeth Harres 40s
  • Evan Jenkin Griffith 36s
  • Mary Griffith 45s
  • Jane Thomas 45s
  • John David Richard £3.10.0
  • John Edward James 1.5.0
  • Mary Lluwelyn four pounds
  • Cathrin Melin y Cwm 40s
  • Jeven Rees Thomas 45s
  • Taliadau eraill: Jenkin Morgan and his Wife £5 and to pay House rent for them Catherine of the Mill

19.3.1777 That the Road leading from the house of David Williams, shopkeeper, to the Church Yard Gate, be well repaird, and that the Direction thereof be left to Is: Williams Clerk, William Lewis, and Evan Lewis Smith.

24.5.1777 Agreed with Morgan Jenkin for the Maintenance of Mary Llewelyn for one whole Year from the 12th Day of this Wstant for six Pounds and ten shillings.

Order’d twenty Shillings to Mary Jenkin of Penywch towards the Maintenance of her Bastard Child.

22.6.1781 Orderd… that the Overseers of the Poor of this Parish apply for an Order of removal against David Morgan now an Inhabitant of this Parish, and effectually remove him and his Family to their proper and legal Settlement.

20.3.1782 Ordered eighteen shillings and three pence to John Evan of Tycam towards the Funeral Expences etc of a poor Stragler.

25.2.1783 That Jenkin the reputed Son of Captain Bowen, now chargeable on this Parish, shall go from House to House for his maintenance during this year, and remain one Day and a Night in each house for every twenty shillings Survey that they are charged to the Land tax.

8.4.1783 That a Common pound is to be erected in a convenient place as shall be seen most proper..

10.6.1785 That the Overseers of the Poor.. pay to Mrs Hopkins the sum of five Guineas for the Cure which her late Husband D.W.Hopkins, Surgeon, performed on Jenkin Morgan, a poor Man of this Parish…

Rhestry tiodion Mai 1786: Gwen Rees, Mary Evan, Tobias, Margaret David, Margaret Evan, Margaret Rees, Rees John’s child, Margaret Welsh, Mary Jenkin, Jane Harry, Catherine Morgan, Richard Thomas, Kainor Evan, Margaret Owen.

9.3.1787 John Morgan of the Parish of Llanbadarn Odwyn hath agreed with the Inhabitants of this Parish to take Apprentice David Harry a Pauper of this Parish for the Term of three years to commence the first day of May next, and to teach him his Trade of shoemaker and to maintain him with sufficient Meat, Drink, washing and Lodging, during the said Term The Inhabitants paying one Guinea and an half Premium to the said John Morgan the first Day of May aforesaid, and the further sum of one Guinea and an half the first Day of May 1788. That thirteen shillings and nine Pence be paid Rees Daniel for the Coffin and funeral expensces of Evan John Evan

17.5.1787 David Davies of the parish of Llanddewy Brevy hath agreed with the Overseers… to take Apprentice David Harry a Pauper… to teach him his trade of Shoemaker… [for] two Guineas Premium immediately… and the further sum of one Pound and eight shilling the tenth Day of October next.

May 17th 1809 At a Publick Vestry Held at the Church of Llanrhystud and from thence ajourned to the Dwelling House of David Jones…. that a proper Sun Dial be set up in the Church Yard where the old one formerly stood, And further it was ordered that the present font be removed about a yard and half lower down for the conveniency of setting up more benches in the Church and that the said Church be properly pointed and whitewashed Ordered to John Lewis High Street Dartmouth Devon the sum of £4.0.0 ending this Inst and the further sum of £6.0.0 a Year from this time out.

16.10.1787 That the Overseers.. do pay to the Reverend James Davies the sum of forty shillings in part of his Demand for his long attendance on John Edward of Pennant’ son, and curing his Leg.

Erbyn 1788 roedd treth y tlodion yn 1/6 yn y bunt.

6.11.1788 That five Shillings be allow’d for killing a full grown Fox, whether the same be a Dog, or Bitch, and half a Crown for every whelp.

Cyfrifon yr Arolygydd am 1788 yn cynnwys: Wooden Shoes for Keinor Evan 1/-

27.9.1791 That the Overseers.. do provide two shirts and a Jacket a piece for the three eldest Children of David Morgan, Journeyman hatter in this Parish: Also twelve shillings to the said David Morgan to procure Bread for his Family. At the same time the Overseers are directed to provide for the Lying-in of Margaret Rees at the Expence of this parish.

13.1.1792 Whereas an Incroachment is now making on the Common or mountain called Llyn eiddwen mountain by a mound Bank or hedge which some person or persons is or are now making and erecting on a certain place called Waun wleb opposite and Contiguous to the upper part of this Parish in order to convert the ground therein inclosed into private property to the great Detriment and Loss of the said Inhabitants of this Parish and others, We the underwritten at a public Vestry considering the Injustice of the above Incroachment do hereby Express our disapprobation of the same and our wish is that the said mound Bank or hedge be taken down and immediately be Levelled with the ground.

18.12.1792 Whereas Margaret Rees and Charlotte Jones both of this Parish have lately lost from their Dwelling-house several Sums of Money and other valuable Articles which they have great Reason to suspect and believe to have been stolen by a Person who went by the Name of Robert Jones or by Persons who travelled in company with him, and who were reputed to be his Family: We the undernamed do for ourselves and the rest of the Parishioners hereby promise to pay the sum of four shillings to Cornelius Cauty and [blank] for searching for and apprehending the said supposed Theives and bringing them before a Magistrate the said four shillings to be allowed them for their first Day’s trouble and Expence and every further Expence to be allow’d them hereafter.

27.6.1795 Agreed with Evan Simon for keeping the Rooks from Mabus Woods for three years… at £1.11.6 each year.

15.6.1796 Cyfanswm o 20 o dlodion, gan gynnwys Posth~umah Jenkin, a Petty Coat and Bet Gown for Sarah John. Treth y tlodion erbyn hyn yn 2/6 yn y bunt.

14.12.1796 That a Rate of 1/3 in the pound be Assessed on the Inhabitants… towards a Man for to Serve his Majesty

7.4.1797 A further Sum of six pence in the Pound be assessed on the Inhabitants of Llanrhystid Mevenydd towards paying five Pounds to a MilitiaMan, which sum has been ordered by his Majesty’s Justices of the Peace.

24.11.1797 That a Folio Welsh Common Prayer Book and a Manage Register Book be provided… that Richard Edward and Jane Pugh be Ejected by their Land Lord John Morgan at the sole Expence of this Parish from the Possession and Occupation of the tenement of Ffrood Fach which they now hold if they do not Quietly Quit the same

3.4.1798 That a Sum of nine Guineas be paid for a Discharge of David Jones, Hatter, a Lotman in the Supplementary Militia for the Parcel of Mevenydd in this parish.

23.6.1798 That the South and North Walls and Pine End of the Church and Chancel and of the Porch be pointed and whitewashed also that the Inside of the Church and Chancel be well whitewashed

8.6.1799 To pay Edward Jenkin Thomas two and fifty shillings for destroying the Crows and preventing them from building nests and breeding in Mabus Fir-groves.

Taliadau 23 Mai, 1800 i 27 o dlodion, yn cynnwys Peggy’r gwehydd for Jane Lloyd; George Morgan for maintaining his blind daughter. Treth y tlodion 4/- y bunt y flwyddyn. 1802 3/-yflwyddyn.

12.9.1803 John Lloyd of Mabus Esquire of this Parish hath Agreed with the Inhabitants of this Parish to take Apprentice David Cole a Pauper of the said Parish untill he arives at the Age of Twenty One Years… agreed.. to give full authority to the Constable to look out and provide a Substitude for William Edward who has paid his fine of Twenty Pounds, and to make good such sum as the Constable shall agree for

20.12.1803 Order’d 40 Guineas to David Davies Constable to pay a Substitude for the Royal Army of Reserve for this Parish and to defray all reasonable expences.

9.7.1804 Agreed… to be jointly at the Expence of a Lawsuit towards recovering a certain sum of £3 5.9.4 which the said inhabitants were obliged to pay for David Jones Collector of Assess’d Taxes for the year 1803 which sum David Jones left in arrears at the time of Collection the said Taxes.

17.5.1805 It was unanimously Agree’d by the Inhabitants.. to erect a sufficient Pound near the Church Gate for the two Hamlets of… Mevenydd and Hamminiock together with another Pound at Eskerfaur, on the spot of Ground the same was located before [Roedden nhw’n dal i gynnig hyn yn 1809].

We… being Inhabitants of Llanrhystid Hanninock do hereby unanimously agree to institute and prosecute a Suit or Action of Law against David Jones of the Village of Llanrhystid for the recovery of certain sums of money which he receiv’d from the different Inhabitants of Llanrhystid Hanniniock… as Collector of certain Rates and Taxes for the use of his Majesty for which he has not accounted And we further agree to abide and to take upon ourselves the Burthen and Consequence of the said intended Action.

8.2.1806 We… considering the usefulness and necessity of having a publick Schoolhouse built for the Benefit of this Parish do hereby agree and order that a convenient Building for that purpose of ten yards in length, sixteen feet wide in the clear, and ten feet high in the Square be erected in the south-west end of the Churchyard of this Parish as soon as convenient, that the Expence of the same be defrayd by an equal Pound rate on the Parishioners, and we further request and authorize Mr Lewis Morice Treflys, Mr David Jones of Kilfachael, John Evans of Ystrad Teilo and David Lloyd of Ffrwd together with the Church-wardens for the time being to contract and agree with proper Workmen to erect the said intended Building and to superintend the same.

10.6.1807 To Thomas Morgan Tynycwm a relief of 12/- towards leading his Turff home.

1809 treth y tlodion 5/6 yn y bunt.

Rhestr y tlodion yn 1809:

  • Thomas Morgan £7.10.0
  • David Simon £7.0.0 for keeping Mary David of Penycwm;
  • Mary Jones £4.6.0;
  • Margaret John Evans £3.18.4;
  • Mary Thomas Rowland £3.10.0;
  • Margaret Penyddel £4.0.0;
  • Catherine Davies £4.0.0 towards Nurseing Her Bastard Child for Seven years If the said Bastard Child should live so long…;
  • John Vaughan £3.3.0;
  • Elizabeth Treflys lA per week and £1.5.0 House Rent and 5/- for a Measure of Corn;
  • Mary Welsh £2 and £1 for House Rent;
  • Mary John the same as before;
  • David William Harry £1 per year; David John £1.1.0 for House Rent;
  • Mary Brinbulle £4 per year

Llyfr Festri Llanrhystud 7

(parhad 0 lyfr 2)

[Mae’r cofnodion yn llawnach o lawer o hyn ymlaen]

23.5.1810 At the House of David Jones called the Black Lyon situated in the Village of Llanrystid… Daniel Jenkins of Pwll Parlla[sic] in this Parish is admitted to be a Pauper to be releived out of the Poor rates thereof. He is to have the Rent (whatever was due to his Landlord for the tenement called Pwllparlla and all parish rates due the 1st day of May last) to be paid by the overseers of the Poor… His youngest Child (now at Nurse at the expence of this Parish) is to be paid for by the same up to the 5th day of October next, when the said Daniel Jenkins is to take the said Child home to his own House, no longer to be a separate Burt~en to this Parish.

Two Parish Pounds for the impounding of Sheep Cattle Pigs Horses and other animals… having been erected… at the costs of £36.8.10. Resolved that the thanks of the Parishioners… are justly due to Mr David Davies…. Resolved that two PoundKeepers be appointed to take care of the said Pounds and to keep the Keys thereof… [and to] pay an annual Rent for their said Offices and for the profits arising for the same… That Hannah Griffiths of the Red Lyon in the Village of Llanrystid Innkeeper be appointed Pound Keeper for the Pound situated in the Village… for which she is to pay the rent of one Guinea… That Lewis Davies of Escir… Farmer be appointed Pound Keeper for the Pound situated near Escir… for which he agrees to pay the sum of sixteen shillings

12.9.1810 That whereas a Ballot for the Militia of this County is soon to take place, and in Order that it may fall as light as possible on the Balloted person whose Lot it may happen to be drawn, We have therefore Resolved that every Servant and labourer in this parish is liable to be drawn for the said Militia, and who will sign our article of agreement binding himself thereto, and shall Deposit with the OVerseer of the poor… the sum of one Guinea, Then in Case any such servant or labourer so paying as aforesaid shall happen to be drawn, He shall in that Case pay the further sum of Ffour Guineas to the said overseer, and every such balloted servant or labourer Duly paying as above directed shall be exempted at the charge of this parish for the space of five years from the said Militia. But if any such Balloted Servant or labourer should be desirous of serving personally in the said Militia, and approved of, He is in that Case to receive from the Overseer of this Parish the sum of Twenty four pounds and fifteen shillings Exclusive of the aforesaid sum of Five Guineas, for which he will be accountable as aforesaid, which said sums will make up to him Thirty Pounds…

Resolved that for every Farmer’s Son, who is subject as above and who will sign the article of agreement as aforesaid and shall pay the sum of one pound Eleven shillings and sixpence to the overseer… In that case if any such farmer’s son shoul happen to be drawn, he is to pay the further sum of Five pounds Eight shillings and sixpence… and every farmer’s son paying as above in like manner shall be Indemnified from the Ballot for five years. But should any balloted farmer’s son [….fel uchod].

Resolved that the Farmers are not to contribute to this Fund, their Rate being considered sufficient. But in case any ifarmer should happen to be drawn for the said Militia, then and in that case, He is to pay the sum of Seven Pounds… as his fine, and to be discharged also for Five years… And it is further Agreed … that [the Parishioners] shall engage at their own proper cost and charges to provide a proper Substitute for and on the behalf of ever such person so balloted.

26.2.1811 Whereas there are several persons in this parish now labouring under that infectious and too commonly fatal disorder called the Dyssentery, We think it our Duty to use every precaution that may tend to prevent the spreading thereof, and for that purpose we authorise and request the Overseers of the poor to call at every House where they hear that any one is affected with that Disorder in this parish, and to make their report of the same, that Medical Assistance may be acquired.

2.8.1811 That the Overseers of the Poor and other respectable Inhabitants of this Parish do borrow the Sum of one hundred and fifty-six pounds of the first Bank at Aberystwith for the purpose of paying the substitutes in the Militia for this County.

28.8.1811 At a Puplick Vestry Duly proclaimed in the Black Lion Inn… that James James Lletygwin to go to the Great Session of Cardigan to stand a trial againts John Walters Newcastle for the wronge Implea of Tressbass to Proceed Againts the Parish Llanrhystid.
[Treth y tlodion 10/- yn y bunt + 5/- yn y bunt 18.12.1811+4/- yn y bunt 10.3.1812+].

Yn ystod 1811 fe wnaeth un arolygwr dros y tiodion 27 taliad i diodion a 31 taliad arall, yn cynnwys:

  • To pass the Vagrant men £5.3.9;
  • to Mary Williams for Butter to the man of Worchester 3/- & to David Jones for keeping the same £1;
  • For Ten Journey to the Bank of Aberistwith for the subtitude £1.5.0;
  • for ale in Ten Vestry to David Jones £2.11.4;
  • to pass 2 Vagrant 2/6; paid to David Rees penybont for kill crows 2 year £2.2.0.

Dros yr un cyfnod talodd yr arolygwr arall 23 taliad i dlodion a 47 o daliadau eraill; gan gynnwys:

  • To Catharine Jenkins for mantain Caty wyrion £6;
  • to John Morgans for Linseed oyl and painting 8s4d;
  • to Evan Lewis Moelyfore for herings Dl pwllyparlla 6/-;
  • paid for Elinor Edwards at Llanrhystid 1/-‘ to pass 18 sraglers from Constable to Constable 18/6;
  • for my Journey and Cost to the Session of Cardigan 3 Days £1.50

3.6.1813 Resolved that the Complaints against the conduct of the present Schoolmaster be for the present dispensed with, and that he be warned respecting his future attention to his duty.

[to David Simon and Elizabeth his Wife… ten pound annually] for the support maintenance and Clothing of Mary Davies a pauper and an insane person belonging to this parish.

5.10.1813 Resolved 1ly That the Reverend James Morice is not a proper person to be continued to teach school at the Schoolhouse at Llanrhystid. 21y That the Reverend the Vicar [Richard Evans] and the Church wardens do and shall inform the Reverend J.Morice that he is not to have the use of the Schoolhouse at Llanrhystud after Saturday next the 9th Inst. 31y That the Use of the Schoolhouse at Llanrhystid be offered to the Reverend Thomas Edwards and that he be requested to open a School therein on Tuesday the twelfth Instant.

30.12.1813 Whereas there have been various losses sustained and robberies Committed of Geese and other fowls, and the Houses of Farmers enterd into in the Day and Night Season for those evil purposed. – And Whereas there is cause to suppose that these breaches of the Law have been committed through ignorance of the Heinousness of the transaction and evil tendency thereof, by Children who at breaking up of School knew not that they were amenable to the Laws of their Country for so doing. We… Do Give this public Notice and We do request that the Minister will cause it to be made known to his Parishioners from the Pulpit That No Excuse hereafter will be allouwd nor any opposition to the Master of the Parish School shall be practiced or sufferd And that Whoever shall be guilty of any Riots upon such pretences shall be placed in the hands of the Constable to be carried before a Justice of the Peace in order to be committed to Gaol and prosecuted at the expence of the Parish and punishd in the Most rigorous Manner according to Law.

2.6.1815 That whereas in the account of William Edward late overseer of the Poor of this Parish a charge of five pounds and ten shillings for Ale drank at the expence of the Parishioners, that the same be allowd for the last time, and that in future no charge for Ale or liquor shall be allowd in the accounts of any Overseer or Church Warden whatever unless the same be Ordered by the Parishioners in Vestry assembled prior to the same being deliverd and drank, and that such Ale or liquor and the amount thereof allowd, shall be enterd in this Book as the orders of that Vestry, and the same be signed by the majority of the Parishioners then present, otherwise the overseers or Churchwardens ordering the same or permitting it to be drank shall pay for the said liquor out of his own pocket, and further it is orderd that no more Ale or liquor shall at any time be drank at any one Vestry than to the value often shillings.

4.7.1815 A Publick Vestry held at the School house in the Churchyard of Llanrhystid… Concerning the Common Called Mynidd bach that is a Dispute happen between the two Lordships hamminiock and Mevenidd and it is Nessesary to find out the Boundary Between the two Lordships… Ordered that 5s for ale on this occasion.